Hi Seth,
The 8 Relay drivers are open collector type (switch to GND) capable
of switching loads up to 1Amp at up 24V. They share a common GND with
Kanalog (are not isolated). The outputs on Kanalog are not guaranteed
to power up off until after KFLOP has booted. The additional SWE relay
driver should be used as a master enable to avoid momentary power up
issues. SWE is guaranteed to remain off until after all the Kanalog
Outputs have been initialized off.
Kanalog has a single GND common
to KFLOP, control logic, relay drivers, and Analog signals. The GND
should normally be isolated from Earth GND to avoid ground loops and
injecting earth GND noise into Kanalog/KFLOP DC GND. Standoff mounting
holes are completely isolated with the exception of the GND lug holes
marked "GND".
The Opto Inputs and Outputs are fully isolated.